Results for 'Ross A. McFarland'

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  1.  27
    Alterations in critical flicker frequency as a function of age and light:dark ratio.Ross A. McFarland, A. Bertrand Warren & Charles Karis - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (6):529.
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    Cooperation and obligation in early parent-child relationships.Ross A. Thompson - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e88.
    Tomasello's moral psychology of obligation would be developmentally deepened by greater attention to early experiences of cooperation and shared social agency between parents and infants, evolved to promote infant survival. They provide a foundation for developing understanding of the mutual obligations of close relationships that contribute (alongside peer experiences) to growing collaborative skills, fairness expectations, and fidelity to social norms.
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    Information and transformation in teaching businesses ethics.Ross A. McDonald - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):151-162.
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    The Self: From Soul to Brain A New York Academy of Sciences Conference, New York City, 26-28 September, 2002.A. Ross - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (2):67-85.
    The Mount Sinai School of Medicine is an imposing monument to the wealth and power of scientific medicine. Set on its own block in upper Manhattan, its rhetorical centre is the Stern Auditorium. Here, just over a year after 9/11, a group of gurus and self-seekers assembled to confer on the nature of the self. I was there too, looking for help in constructing a grand unified theory of soul and brain.
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    Seven exercises to get students thinking.Ross A. McDonald - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (4):411-432.
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    Emersonian Self-Reliance and Inherent Contradictions in American Business Management.Ross A. Jackson - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):495-503.
    Business management within the United States of America contains unacknowledged, inherent contradictions that constrain individual and collective action, and form barriers against the development of authenticity and solidarity within organizations. The Emersonian themes of conformity, consistency, and knowledge, as developed in his 1841 essay Self-Reliance, were used as constructive points of philosophical inquiry around which to interrogate the theory and praxis of current American business management. The need for such an examination of management is observable in recent social phenomena. Specifically, (...)
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    Towards the Integration of Individual and Moral Agencies.Ross A. McDonald & Bart Victor - 1988 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 7 (3):103-118.
  8.  61
    Bring the Pain? An Examination of Human Suffering in Sartre’s Being and NothingnessRoss A. Jackson & Brian L. Heath - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):18-37.
    Human suffering is a complex phenomenon that can manifest physically or psychologically. As the negative valence of affective phenomena, with the positive being pleasure or happiness, human suffering could easily be interpreted as something to avoid. Sartre explored existential aspects of human suffering in Being and Nothingness. Examining each occurrence of the word suffering in that work provides a basis for understanding the roles Sartre assigned to it within the human experience and consequently provides a more nuanced appreciation of this (...)
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    Doing It With Feeling: The Emotion in Early Socioemotional Development.Ross A. Thompson - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):121-125.
    Carroll Izard’s theoretical and research contributions to the study of early socioemotional development are profiled. His studies of early emotional expression and the formulations of differential emotions theory have stimulated contemporary inquiry into the organization of early emotional life, the developmental processes by which distinct feelings and facial expressions become progressively concordant, and how the emotional expressions of others become imbued with emotion meaning. His work on emotion, attachment, and emotion–cognition relations has contributed to contemporary study of the emotional bases (...)
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  10. Pluralist Partially Comprehensive Doctrines, Moral Motivation, and the Problem of Stability.Ross A. Mittiga - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (4):409-429.
    Recent scholarship has drawn attention to John Rawls’s concern with stability—a concern that, as Rawls himself notes, motivated Part III of A Theory of Justice and some of the more important changes of his political turn. For Rawls, the possibility of achieving ‘stability for the right reasons’ depends on citizens possessing sufficient moral motivation. I argue, however, that the moral psychology Rawls develops to show how such motivation would be cultivated and sustained does not cohere with his specific descriptions of (...)
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    Emotion and Emotion Regulation: Two Sides of the Developing Coin.Ross A. Thompson - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):53-61.
    Systems theory holds that emotional responses derive from the continuous, mutual interaction between multiple neurobiological and behavioral systems associated with emotion as they are contextually embedded. Developmental systems theory portrays these systems as becoming progressively integrated as they mature. From this perspective, regulatory processes are incorporated into emotion throughout the course of emotional development. This article examines the implications of developmental systems theory in understanding the association between emotion and emotion regulation, enlisting the functionalist orientation of contemporary emotions theory, a (...)
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  12. Emotion regulation: Conceptual foundations.James J. Gross & Ross A. Thompson (eds.) - 2007
  13. The World, the Mind and the Body: Psychology after cognitivism.B. Wallace, A. Ross, J. Davies & T. Anderson (eds.) - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
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    Ethics and value strategies used in prioritizing mental health services in oregon.David A. Pollack, Bentson H. McFarland, Robert A. George & Richard H. Angell - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (5):322-339.
    The authors describe the ethical considerations underlying the inclusion of mental health services into a prioritized health care system. The Oregon Health Plan is a process for defining and delivering basic health services to an entire state. As the plan was developed, the mental health community needed to decide whether or not to participate in the process and, if so, how. Lengthy discussions among mental health consumers, family members, and providers led to a strategy that emphasized the integration of mental (...)
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    Stability of icosahedral Cd–Yb at low temperature.G. Krauss, W. Steurer, A. R. Ross & T. A. Lograsso - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):505-516.
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    Convergent approaches to understanding strange situation behavior.Michael E. Lamb, Ross A. Thompson, William P. Gardner & Eric L. Charnov - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):559-561.
  17.  28
    Making Wishes Known: The Role of Acquired Speech and Language Disorders in Clinical Ethics.W. S. Davis & A. Ross - 2003 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 (3):164-172.
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    An open letter to North American business ethicists.Ross A. McDonald - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):661-662.
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    Socialization of emotion regulation in the family.Ross A. Thompson & Sara Meyer - 2007 - In James J. Gross, Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press. pp. 249--268.
  20.  44
    Behavioral Research Involving Children: A Developmental Perspective on Risk.Ross A. Thompson - 1990 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 12 (2):1.
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    The Impact of the Daily Mile™ on School Pupils’ Fitness, Cognition, and Wellbeing: Findings From Longer Term Participation.Josephine N. Booth, Ross A. Chesham, Naomi E. Brooks, Trish Gorely & Colin N. Moran - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundSchool based running programmes, such as The Daily Mile™, positively impact pupils’ physical health, however, there is limited evidence on psychological health. Additionally, current evidence is mostly limited to examining the acute impact. The present study examined the longer term impact of running programmes on pupil cognition, wellbeing, and fitness.MethodData from 6,908 school pupils, who were participating in a citizen science project, was examined. Class teachers provided information about participation in school based running programmes. Participants completed computer-based tasks of inhibition, (...)
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    The Spiritual Poverty of Material Economy.Ross A. McDonald - 1996 - Journal of Human Values 2 (2):179-188.
    The spread of free-market doctrine across the globe is a discouraging sign for the col lective well-being of humanity. Central to the problems posed by modern economy is its inability to rise above the simplistic assumptions of the Enlightenment and its idealistic purification of rationality. The following paper discusses the limitations of modem economy and its unfortunate tendency to ignore and destroy the immaterial values that cannot be contained within its own nar row measures of human well-being. Any adequate reduction (...)
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  23.  4
    Ideology & Revolution in The Society of the Spectacle.Ross A. Jackson & Brian L. Heath - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):904-940.
    Modern society has long been a spectacle. As defined by Guy Debord, a spectacle is not a collection of images but rather a social relationship mediated by images in a consumer economy. Whereas the spectacle offers the illusion of consumer choice, behind each manifestation is to be found the same alienation. Such aimless, persistent consumption does not lead to personal fulfillment but to drudgery. Breaking free of the spectacle is facilitated by an awareness of the symbiotic relationship between ideology and (...)
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    The global array: Not new to infant researchers.Ross A. Flom & Lorraine E. Bahrick - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):221-222.
    We find Stoffregen & Bardy's argument that the senses are united and that specificity exists within the global array compelling. However, this view is not entirely new and research on the development and the origins of perception in infancy, inspired by Gibson's ecological perspective, also supports their claims. The inclusion of this developmental research will strengthen and challenge some of Stoffregen & Bardy's views.
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    Security of infantile attachment as assessed in the “strange situation”: Its study and biological interpretation.Michael E. Lamb, Ross A. Thompson, William P. Gardner, Eric L. Charnov & David Estes - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):127-147.
    The Strange Situation procedure was developed by Ainsworth two decades agoas a means of assessing the security of infant-parent attachment. Users of the procedureclaim that it provides a way of determining whether the infant has developed species-appropriate adaptive behavior as a result of rearing in an evolutionary appropriate context, characterized by a sensitively responsive parent. Only when the parent behaves in the sensitive, species-appropriate fashion is the baby said to behave in the adaptive or secure fashion. Furthermore, when infants are (...)
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  26.  37
    Early foundations: Conscience and the development of moral character.Ross A. Thompson - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley, Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press. pp. 159--184.
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    The mind in the mind of the beholder: Elucidating relational influences on early social understanding.Ross A. Thompson & H. Abigail Raikes - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):126-127.
    Relational experiences shape emergent social understanding, and two influences deserve particular attention. First, parent-child conversation about shared experiences incorporates both implicit and explicit information about mental states that catalyzes the social construction of understanding, especially in juxtaposition with the child's direct experience. Second, emotion infuses the contexts and cognitions about social experiences that provoke the child's constructivist efforts.
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  28. A virtue ethical account of making decisions about risk.N. Athanassoulis & A. Ross - 2010 - Journal of Risk Research 13 (2):217.
    Abstract Most discussions of risk are developed in broadly consequentialist terms, focusing on the outcomes of risks as such. This paper will provide an alternative account of risk from a virtue ethical perspective, shifting the focus to the decision to take the risk. Making ethical decisions about risk is, we will argue, not fundamentally about the actual chain of events that the decision sets in process, but about the reasonableness of the decision to take the risk in the first place. (...)
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  29. Tamar Japaridze, The Kantian Subject: Sensus Communis, Mimesis, Work of Mourning. [REVIEW]A. Ross - 2000 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8 (3):411-412.
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  30.  38
    Child Development and Research Ethics.Ross A. Thompson - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (1-2):193-206.
  31.  20
    Understanding the Development of Elite Parasport Athletes Using a Constraint-Led Approach: Considerations for Coaches and Practitioners.Nima Dehghansai, Srdjan Lemez, Nick Wattie, Ross A. Pinder & Joe Baker - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    History of Art Education: A Bibliography.Gene A. Mittler & Ross A. Norris - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (1):123.
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    First-Person Consciousness Honderich and McGinn Reviewed.A. Ross - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (7):55-82.
    Ted Honderich, Philosopher: A Kind of Life, London: Routledge, 2001, 472 pp., ?30, ISBN 0415236975 .Colin McGinn, The Making of a Philosopher: My Journey Through Twentieth-Century Philosophy, New York: HarperCollins, 2002, 256 pp., $25.95, ISBN 0060197927.
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    Terrace-dependent nucleation of small Ag clusters on a five-fold icosahedral quasicrystal surface.B. Unal, J. W. Evans, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross, C. J. Jenks & P. A. Thiel - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (18-21):2995-3001.
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    Essays in Philosophy of Art Education.Gene A. Mittler & Ross A. Norris - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (1):121.
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    Teaching in Higher Education Series.B. Cockburn, A. Ross & J. Mathews - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (1):81-84.
  37.  26
    Non-explanatory equilibria: An extremely simple game with (mostly) unattainable fixed points.Joshua M. Epstein & Ross A. Hammond - 2002 - Complexity 7 (4):18-22.
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    Terrace-dependent morphology of thin Sn films deposited on the fivefold surface of the icosahedral Al–Cu–Fe quasicrystal.H. R. Sharma, M. Shimoda, A. R. Ross, T. A. Lograsso & A. P. Tsai - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):807-812.
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  39. Stages in the evolution of ethnocentrism.Thomas R. Shultz, Max Hartshorn & Ross A. Hammond - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1244--1249.
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    The B.Ed. Degree and Its Future.D. R. Mcnamara & A. M. Ross - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (1):78-79.
  41.  13
    Being Perfect: A Lutheran Perspective on Moral Formation.Ian A. McFarland - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (1):15-26.
    Jennifer Herdt argues that Luther’s account of human ethical action implies an absolute passivity before God that both leads to psychological paralysis and fails to appreciate the non-competitive nature of the relationship between divine and human agency. This article argues that neither accusation can be sustained. Not only does Luther’s work lack any evidence of the paralysis Herdt ascribes to him, but Luther’s understanding of the relationship between divine and human action reflects a more theologically persuasive understanding of the distinct (...)
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  42. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics.Don Ross & Harold Kincaid (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics is a reference work on philosophical issues in the practice of economics. It is motivated by the view that there is more to economics than general equilibrium theory, and that the philosophy of economics should reflect the diversity of activities and topics that currently occupy economists. Contributions in the book are thus closely tied to on-going theoretical and empirical concerns in economics. Contributors include both philosophers of science and economists. Articles fall into three (...)
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    The Relationship between Sitting and the Use of Symmetry As a Cue to Figure-Ground Assignment in 6.5-Month-Old Infants.Shannon Ross-Sheehy, Sammy Perone, Shaun P. Vecera & Lisa M. Oakes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  44. What to say to a skeptical metaphysician: A defense manual for cognitive and behavioral scientists.Don Ross & David Spurrett - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):603-627.
    A wave of recent work in metaphysics seeks to undermine the anti-reductionist, functionalist consensus of the past few decades in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. That consensus apparently legitimated a focus on what systems do, without necessarily and always requiring attention to the details of how systems are constituted. The new metaphysical challenge contends that many states and processes referred to by functionalist cognitive scientists are epiphenomenal. It further contends that the problem lies in functionalism itself, and that, to (...)
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  45.  80
    Infants’ neural responses to facial emotion in the prefrontal cortex are correlated with temperament: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.Miranda M. Ravicz, Katherine L. Perdue, Alissa Westerlund, Ross E. Vanderwert & Charles A. Nelson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  46.  26
    Critica a la Filosofia Cubana de Hoy.A. MacC Armstrong & Waldo Ross - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (25):380.
  47. Expanding the causal menu: An interventionist perspective on explaining human behavioural evolution.Ronald J. Planer & Ross Pain - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6:e39.
    Theorists of human evolution are interested in understanding major shifts in human behavioural capacities (e.g. the creation of a novel technological industry, such as the Acheulean). This task faces empirical challenges arising both from the complexity of these events and the time-depths involved. However, we also confront issues of a more philosophical nature, such as how to best think about causation and explanation. This article considers such fundamental questions from the perspective of a prominent theory of causation in the philosophy (...)
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    Studying the security of infant-adult attachment: A reprise.Michael E. Lamb, William P. Gardner, Eric L. Charnov, Ross A. Thompson & David Estes - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):163-171.
  49.  46
    Of spirit: Heidegger and Derrida on metaphysics, ethics, and national socialism.David Ross Fryer - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):21 – 44.
    Derrida's reading of Heidegger in Of Spirit provides an excellent opportunity to assess the ethical and political value of each of their works. Derrida uncovers a slippage in Heidegger during the 1930s in which Heidegger ?forgot to forget? the dangers of the ?spirit? he had disavowed in Being and Time. This reveals a substantial early investment in the National Socialist project from which Heidegger never adequately recovered. Even in his attempts to distance himself from his Nazi past, Heidegger was still (...)
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    XPS study of adsorption and desorption of a Bi thin film on the five-fold icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn surface.K. M. Young, N. Cross, J. A. Smerdon, V. R. Dhanak, H. R. Sharma, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. McGrath - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2889-2893.
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